Über Uns

Ausbildungen, Zertifizierungen, Schulungen

  • Austrian Certified Professional Dog Trainer ACPD-T (ÖBdH)
  • Zertifizierte Hundetrainerin Level 3 Schulungszentrum für Tierverhaltenstherapie
  • Zusatzqualifikation Sporthundetrainerin Schulungszentrum für Tierverhaltenstherapie
  • Doggyfit © Hunde Fitness- und Bewegungstrainerin Schulungszentrum für Tierverhaltenstherapie
  • Longieren Level 3 Master Trainerin Schulungszentrum für Tierverhaltenstherapie
  • Hoopers Agility Level 3 Master Trainerin Schulungszentrum für Tierverhaltenstherapie
  • Bodenarbeit Level 3 Master Trainerin Schulungszentrum für Tierverhaltenstherapie
  • Welpen- und Junghundetrainerin Schulungszentrum für Tierverhaltenstherapie 
  • Dog Sports Essentials Karen Pryor Academy 
  • Warm-Up / Cool-Down Obedience Dogs4Motion Academy 
  • Hundesportwissenschaften Akademie für Tiernaturheilkunde (i.A.)
  • HAT (Hundealltagstauglichkeit) Richterin (ÖBdH) bis Prüfungsstufe HAT 3


Passion, science, and curiosity. The main reasons I decided to become a non-aversive dog trainer. The scientific background and mechanisms for training dogs, the intricacies of behavior modification and analysis, a passion for knowledge- and cognitive science-based training, and curiosity for where you can take the next steps in moving forward in canine sciences and training methods.

My background originally started in studying aeronautical engineering, yet here we are. I do not believe in fate, but I do believe we can make our own path, as much as is possible with our circumstances.

Coco, my 12-year-old Labrador-Pitbull-Shepherd Mix from Serbia, taught me a lot throughout the almost 9 years she had been by my side. And not just in dog training aspects, but life lessons. Her ongoing battle with undifferentiated nasal carcinoma had proven her character to be sturdy, persistent and in all accounts emotionally aware. We let her cross the rainbow bridge on May 25th, 2023. 

I appreciate all the highest of highs and lowest of lows I have experienced, whether it be with dogs, or on my own. Experiences as aforementioned can either “upgrade” or “downgrade” you, and there’s always fluctuation between that. If I have any control over the outcome of it, I choose the former, to evolve so to speak.

2017 I started my education and training to become a certified dog trainer, and by 2021 I had achieved that goal, plus level ups. I continue to attend seminars, webinars, lectures, and further education, because I want to. Learning never stops, and knowledge can always be expanded. But especially experience is a fact of life, that we can only gain over time.

I want to thank every single dog and human, who has encouraged me or been by my side on this path. I am sure circumstances would have been different without your support.

I have new goals, academic goals specifically, that I will pursue come winter semester 2023/2024, and I do hope this trail I am on, not knowing where it leads to yet, will be enriching and fulfilling.